Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Gardening in a small space

Survival Cave Food - Guest Blog

Gardening in a small space
Unfortunately, not every wannabe gardener can afford a house or plot of land in which to plant a garden. However, there are definitely ways to maximize your small space to create a cute, maybe even functional, garden.
First, you need to think of your available spaces. For many people the fire escape, balcony or patio, hand rails, walls, windowsills, or along the side of the building will have a sufficient amount of space.
Many apartment dwellers have a patio where they can grow so plants. There endless possibilities for patio gardening and it’s encouraged that you get as creative as you want!
A pallet garden consists of a pallet that most people can usually find behind supermarkets next to dumpsters. Add some landscape fabric to the back of the pallet so you don’t damage the wall that the pallet will rest against. Cascading shrubbery is good for pallet gardening make the pallet look fuller.
If you’d like to get especially artsy, you can plant a small garden in an old dresser. You have to get plants that can grow in shallow containers like herbs, lettuce, onions, cucumbers, carrots, radishes, strawberries, weigela, begonias, and cannas. You will need a solid, untreated wood dresser. If they dresser has been treated (AKA paint or stain), line the bottom of the drawers so chemicals don’t get in the plants. Drill some holes in the bottom of the drawers and fill the drawers with organic potting soil. Remember to consider spacing instructions for your plants and to put them in appropriate sunlight. If you’d like this idea, but don’t have space outside, keep potted plants inside!
If you want to keep it simple, have several potted plants. Though potted plants can sometimes be considered easier than a normal garden, they require more waters and are more susceptible to weather changes. And remember that even though multiple plants in one pot can make for a fuller looking plant, overcrowding will cause them to die. A time-release fertilizer will usually help with this. The type of pot you use doesn’t usually make much of a difference, though the size of the pot definitely affects the growth of the plant. Many gardeners choose fun containers, such as old shoes or chairs, to grow potted plants in.
Window boxes are also always an option. Avoid using window boxes that are clear or metal because it will heat the plant too much. You will have to secure the window box with bolts or wire. After that, cover the bottom with landscape fabric, fill the box about a quarter full with soil, and stir in some compost.
If you know that you’ll be in your dwelling for a few years, you can use a trellis against a wall to train any slow-growing shrub or herb such as cotoneaster, juniper, or yew to grow up the trellis for an appealing ivy-walled look. It does take quite a while to get them to grow, however, so make sure you have enough time.

Survival Cave Guest Blog - Harvesting Rainwater

Survival Cave Food - Guest Blog

Harvesting Rainwater

Lots of people don’t know that you can collect rainwater to use as an independent water supply. It can prevent flooding, replenish the ground water table, and even support small plot farming or sustainable gardens. China and Brazil often use rainwater for drinking water and in Bermuda it is law that all new construction enables the use of rainwater.
Property that experiences rainfall often, but does not utilize rainwater recycling, drains rainwater and runoff away to lower, downslope areas that can contaminate surface water with sediment. Leaf mulch is drained away with it, which deplete the fertility of the land. However, by using rainwater recycling, the area with hydrate itself by using runoff and greywater, which will stop downslope flooding. A good rainwater system will capture, divert, and store water for later use.
If you wish to set up a rainwater recycling system, you first must know where a good collection site would be. Anywhere that the rain does not fall to the ground is a sufficient place. The most common site to collect rainwater if your roof/rain gutter. A 25 foot by 40 foot home sheds about 600 gallons of water in an hour of moderate rainfall (about 1 inch).
Second, you need a transportation system. Gutters and downspouts that are on the edges of the roof are usually the best bet. The size of your gutter is important. The gutter must be large enough to carry the water that’s running off the roof. If your roof has roughly 1000 square feet, a 5 inch gutter and 3 inch downspout will be sufficient. A bigger roof will require bigger gutters and downspouts. You also need to apply a filter so you can keep debris from getting into your water supply. You should use a fine-mesh, aluminum window screen, especially if mosquitoes populate your area.
Next, you need to know what to store the water in. Barrels are usually the best and are available at many gardening stores. The barrel should be underneath the downspout, but should also be near the part of your garden that needs the most water. You need to dig a 4 inch deep area that the cinderblock base of the barrel will fit comfortably in. Fill the 4 inch deep area with gravel, so you can level the cinder blocks and drain away water in order to keep the area as dry as possible. Remember that the higher you place the barrels, the better the water pressure will be. Be aware of where the spigot is placed, because if it is too short you won’t be able to fit a container underneath to fill with water. The barrels may overflow, but don’t worry, the gravel underneath will drain away the extra water.
It should be noted that if you want to use the water for drinking water, or to be used for hygienic purposes, it must be treated to avoid the growth of bacteria, which can cause illness. A bleas solution or filter can also be used for this purpose.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Slow Summer

Slow Summer

Everything slows in the summer business wise, but it speeds up personally.  With three kids free of the grid of school, there is so much to do, and so little time to do it.  Organization is key, but that also kind of kills the lazy summer feeling.

Business is of course slow, and it's hard to blame people.  Who can think of Disaster Prep now while the days are long and things feel so safe and secure?  It's probably the BEST time to do preparation, but then again, we have a lot of summer costs.  Vacations aren't cheap, and gas prices suddenly goes through the roof.

So far this summer we've had a big cookout at a local park camp, but it was a windy day so it became a struggle.  We've sent one son to Ireland, two boys to San Francisco, my wife visited L.A., and I've been the homebody.  I've gotten the family out for early morning football games. The competition and cool morning air keep us all in shape.  We've added some racquetball to the list of things we do to keep our bodies in shape as well as Tai Chi, bike riding, and Chi Kung.  

This summer we saw an ancestral home for 35+ years in the family get sold, and we've taken a long hard look at what we really want to offer in our lives as a gift to the world, and asked ourselves whether we are doing that to our fullest ability right now?  Things are so impermanent.

It's been an interesting summer.  There is a discontent in the air, and then again their is a magical settling.  How can you be both content and discontent at the same time?

As the saying goes: I think we live in interesting times.... 

Survival Cave Food - Dangers of Floods

From our Friends at Survival Cave Food:

Dangers of Floods

Floods usually aren’t on our minds, but the truth of the matter is that they can be quite dangerous. What most people don’t consider are the diseases that floods can spread.
Floods can spread both water-borne diseases and vector-borne diseases. Water-borne diseases are (obviously) spread through the water. Diseases can be contracted through contact with polluted waters. There are several diseases such as typhoid fever, cholera, and hepatitis A, that can be contracted through polluted water. You can get also get wound infections, dermatitis, conjunctivitis, and ear, nose and throat infections.
Vector-borne diseases can also be prominent, which are usually spread through stagnant water. The stagnant water creates a new environment for animals and insects that can spread malaria, yellow fever, and West Nile fever.
Of course, disease is only one of the many worries that come with a flood. Experts report that most deaths that occur due to flooding is because people get trapped in their cars. People often overestimate their car and try to drive across water logged roads. It only takes 6 inches of water to sweep your car from the road. Also keep in mind that floods often damage bridges and dams so you should avoid these during and for a while after the flood.
Never wade through the waters. Not only can you contract the diseases mentioned above, but the water can change pace at any moment. You may begin wading through relatively still water, but at any time the water could begin to move rapidly. It may take you completely off your feet, ramming you into near by objects or drowning you. Also, nasty chemicals could be picked up in the water and could causes rashes or illness.
It’s obvious that one should not use electricity when there’s a floor. Don’t try to remove electrical wires, even if you think the line is dead. You should wait until officials authorize that the area is safe before you use any electrical devices.
Unfortunately, animals are often hurt in floods. If you are in an especially rural area, you may notice rodents and reptiles struggling in the flood. Though it’s a sad situation, it is not recommended that you try to lend a helping hand. Those animals can contract disease from the flood, too, and they could easily give you a disease or injure you. However, you still should keep your own pets safely with you, leashed or caged at all times. Once the flood is over, make sure to wash your pets thoroughly so they can get any chemicals or bacteria off of them. 
It can take anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours for a flash flood to fully develop. When a flood warning is announce, it is recommended that you evacuate to a safe area immediately. You should know of a place to go to beforehand – higher ground is your safest bet, other than leaving the area completely.
After experiencing a flood, make sure to have your home inspected. Even if you do not see any damage, there could be structural problems, mold, electrical wiring problems, or even problems with your sewage system.

Survival Cave Food - Whitey Bulger

From our friends at Survival Cave Food:

The truth about Whitey Bulger

When you hear the words “mobster” or “gangster,” you may think of the 1920s suited man, complete with a fedora and a large gun stuffed in a briefcase. Though the fedora may have gone out of style (for the most part, anyways), mobster families are still holding strong, even if they’re a little bit more under the radar than their Depression-era originators.
One of the most notorious organized-crime leaders of our time is Whitey Bulger, who is based on Boston and has been on the FBIs top 10 most wanted list for the past 12 years. He was most prominent in the crime world between the 1970s and 1990s but was not captured by police until 2011. He has been charged with money laundering, extortion, drug dealing, and participating in 19 murders (though he was once quoted to have killed 40 men). He began a life of crime at 14 and though he had a brief stint in the air force (and was arrested for going AWOL), he was somehow honorably discharged. After that, his criminal record began to escalate. He had several different crimes to boast under his belt before he joined the Winter Hill Gang where he began to make a name for himself as a ruthless mobster. When Winter, the head of the Winter Hill Gang, was arrested, Whitey assumed leadership and controlled a large portion of Boston’s drug scene and loan shark operations for the next 16 years. However, from 1975 to 1990, he served as an FBI informant. He somehow not only took down Boston’s Patriarca crime family, but also built his own crime network to be stronger than ever.
Though he had successfully slipped away from law enforcement before due to friendly connections within the FBI, he was finally captured in Santa Monica where he was living with his long-time mistress.
He was captured in 2011, but Whitey has again made the papers in 2013 due to the recent death of Stephen Rakes. Rakes claimed to have been forced at gunpoint by Bulger to sell his liquor store below market value so Bulger’s gang, the Winter Hill Gang, could use the store as a front. This was back in 1984, and Rakes was supposed to be a witness on the current trial against Whitey. However, he was recently dropped from the witness list, with no reported reason as to why they decided to drop him. Days later, Rakes was found dead in Lincoln, MA. There was no obvious trauma and an autopsy report will soon conclude cause of death.
In June, Rakes was reported to be eager to stand a witness. He insisted that he would not allow the mob to take advantage of him. He was then quoted to have said “At least I’m still alive.” Unfortunately, that is no longer the case for 59 year old father. Other victims of Bulger’s crimes still hope that the courts will bring justice, but it is harder and harder to find witnesses willing to take stand. They are hoping there will be sufficient evidence to convict and imprison, but everybody knows that organized crime leaders know how to work the system all too well. We still have not seen the last chapter written about Whitey Bulger.

Survival Cave Food - Elliot Spitzer try to return

From our friends at Survival Cave Food

Elliot Spitzer try to return

In March of 2008, a New York governor named Eliot Spitzer was found to be a frequenter of a prostitution ring. Over several years he had spent about $80,000 on prostitutes. Spitzer was frequenting The Emperors Club VIP escort service under the name “Client 9.” He had been caught specifically with a young aspiring pop star named Ashley Dupre, who was under the name Kristen. Spitzer reportedly paid for everything she required during travel, including plane tickets, hotel rooms and room service, and cab fare. Over six months Spitzer had paid for seven prostitutes. The wiring of money became Spitzer’s downfall when the IRS saw money wired over to the escort service. At first, the IRS worried that he was a victim of fraud or identity theft, but it was later proven that Spitzer was indeed Client 9. Spitzer resigned from office after being threatened with impeachment. Fortunately for his female friend, the very publicized scandal got Dupre contract offers for Playboy and Hustler, as well as a spread in the New York Times.
Despite his blemished record, Spitzer is trying to make a comeback. Now, he is running for New York City Comptroller, which is the chief auditor and chief fiscal officer. People are said to be surprised at his low goal because he was formerly such an ambitious man. He will be managing about $140 billion in pension funds. His former nickname of Sheriff of Wall Street has not totally disappeared from his résumé, though. He is hoping to be a watchdog for Corporate America. Anthony Weiner, another disgraced politician, set his goals a little higher. Weiner now plans to run for mayor, though the former congressman was involved in a graphic sexting scandal. Opposing Spitzer is Kristin Davis, who once arranged some of the meetings with prostitutes for Spitzer.
Spitzer is not without an plan. One of the many goals on his agenda is to separate the role of CEOs and board chairmen at large corporations.  Earlier this year, investors tried to get JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to resign from his position after a trading incident lost the company billions of dollars, which Spitzer supported. This is one of the examples Spitzer gives as to why he intends to separate the roles. He believes that ‘checks and balances’ must be given, even when dealing with normally satisfactory CEOs.
Spitzer hasn’t totally disappeared since his scandal, which is probably why it wasn’t all that hard to charge for a political opening. He had a brief CNN talk show, as well as quick episode host on Viewpoint. Also easing his return is John Liu, who is leaving the city comptroller office in order to pursue the position of mayor.
Spitzer says that he is asking Americans for forgiveness regarding his involvement in the prostitution ring. He says he has “acknowledged the wrongdoing and moved on,” but does not want to move on from his political career. Spitzer explains, “I’m running because having been attorney general and governor and assistant district attorney and having spent much of my career in public service, I cherish that.”  He says that he plans on re-energizing and re-envisioning the comptroller office, much like he did at the attorney general’s office. He must receive at least 3,750 signatures from registered voters. He promises to pay for his own campaign instead of taking part in New York’s financing system.

Survival Cave Food Post - Emergency Fuel Storage

From our friends at Survival Cave Food

Emergency Fuel Storage

People often store emergency fuel in case of power outages or emergencies. It is incredibly important to store your fuel properly, because the results of improperly stored fuel could be fatal. It is necessary to be aware of the different kinds of fuel and how each one should be stored.
LP gas: This is relatively easy to store, but also very dangerous. It can be used to power internal combustion engine, such as tractors and some other motor vehicles. This must be kept in a pressurized container for it to remain a liquid. It is only slightly heavier than air – leaks can result in an explosion. The gas will “puddle” in lower spots and if met with an ignition source, the explosion can be quite intense.
Gasoline: Though it stays as a liquid at room temperature, it easily goes stale. It must be stored away from moisture and be treated with a BHT additive. There is a product called Sta-Bil that is a fuel stabilizer and will keep the gas from breaking down. It can be found in most hardware stores. However, even when using a fuel stabilizer, you still need to rotate your stock so ensure there is no leaking and to make sure you can actually utilize the gas when you need it. It’s recommended that you rotate your stock every 6 months. You should not keep the gas in your house, or even in the garage if it is attached to house. The best place would be to put it in a shed or a garage that is not attached to the house. If you’re keeping gasoline on hand, most likely you’ll be wanting to use a generator. Do not store the gasoline attached to the generator. This could cause leaks or wear and tear to the generator. It’s recommended that you give the generator an appropriate amount of oil changes (usually about once a year unless you use it often).
Kerosene: This is the easiest fuel to store. It does not evaporate quickly, so it can remain in storage for long periods of time without being treated. It’s very versatile and can be used for heating, lighting, cooking and can usually be purchased for reasonable prices. What’s best about kerosene is that is not explosive and is an oil, not a volatile gas. One gallon of kerosene can store 134,00 btus of energy, which is roughly 50% more than a gallon of propane.
Diesel: This fuel will absorb moisture from the air, which can cause problems. Also, if left untreated, diesel fuel will create sludge. The sludge, if left long enough, will fill the entire tank, ruining the entire fuel source. You can use methanol to avoid this. Be sure to know whether you are using #1 or #2 Diesel fuel before you utilize it. The different fuels must be cared for differently. #2 is more prone to clogging in the fuel filter and you often have to add either diesel supplement , 10% gasoline or 20% kerosene.
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